Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | poster | sky | trade name | waterfall | window OCR: Features Benefits Diskiess sartup from AppleSharc L'scrs at Applc IIc and l Applc HGS ie workawtions t sart HKuj dn the Appleshare file without uing a kocal <lisk have to distribute and manage floppy cisks .... Allows ProEOS 8/16 users with Apple IIe Apple 1cs Macintosh, and M5-LXOS uSers Transparerx PIODOS 8'16 suppot Enabler ProDOS applications ta be stored on and Fn from crver rolumes. Suaxrts standare FT[XS connands anl urilities .... Transpa prirt softwaro Allows users to directly network printers. the Image Writer and LaserWriter, and : spoolers, such as the Appleshare print Iron witbin Pro1XO5 applications Menu- softare Makes it casy to acccss nerwork resourtes sucha fite servers and printers Diskicss Mervet tart Tron server ithout using loat slisk Teachers disks Tile NSEJP tllw Lro ...